Monday, September 19, 2011

Task 2

Across the world there are many different and discusting looking feet. Among the many nasty selection of what you could find naturally, the worst of the worst kind of feet are the trench feet. The whole prosses starts out as a regular foot and becomes a numb. Over vast veriations of holding your feet in unsanitary and wet conditions led to the decaying of the foot. The term was first used in World War 1 when the solders in the trench would live in the mud and never change there socks or boot. Many of our American heros came home from World War 1 with a numb they were left with due to the horrific trench foot. Over time the foot will also swell, blister, and grow fungi. The common cure they had back then was the cutting off of the foot. Now days people are aware of the chances they have of obtaining trench foot so we prevent it with regular showers and a clean pair of socks. Trench foot has been around for centeries and people still suffered with it even before world war 1. " For example, during the winter of 1914-15 over 20,000 men in the British Army were treated for trench foot. Brigadier-General Frank Percy Crozier argued that: " The fight against the condition known as trench-feet had been incessant and an uphill game." "( ) Even after World War 1 the solders of America suffered threw it again in World War 2 and Vietnam. Tho the condition isnt that severe today, trench foot is something that cant die out!

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