Monday, September 12, 2011

Task 1

I dont know what Im suppost to write about but since i finnaly got this stupid ass account up i guess i will just start with writting. Well I am going to start by talking about feet. I think that feet are feet. I dont understand the few people that freak out at the sight of them. Its like if a foot tuched me it would be the same as if a finger or a elbo touched me; why are they so affraid? On the other spectrum of the rainbow there are people who love feet and decide to get off on the very thought of there private areas touching feet. I can understand people are into many different things but how would someone get aroused by a foot. Its just a weired shapped hand that smells like sweat and nasty. I myself have two feet, but some people think that this is my third leg. I find that shoes are the best way to protect your feet so that those nasty people with the feet fedishes can get there feet stayin extra fresh. another layer of protection to be used on feet are sox. they will prevent minor cuts and prevent getting dirt directly on your feet. another thing that is a foot is a ruler. they are found in most classrooms. conviently feet are used to measure other feet to tell the people who have feet that they can wear a sertain size shoe to protect there feet. My left foot is slightly bigger than the right one, but i still wear the same size shoe. I really hope this teacher dosnt take away point for not knowing what to write about then strting to talk about feet. I dont rally care about feet, but i thought it would make good conversation. I mean look how long this post is already. and the whole dam thing is mummblejumbo and randome crap about feet that i could think about. I honestly wish i could fall the fuck asleep instead of being here typing i dont know what the fuck for a teacher that i just met today. on top of that i think i hate this class already. I am on a computer and Im not even bothering to go on facebook to start blogging about feet there. I really should have gotten some more sleep last night. i seriously cant brain i have tyhe stupids. yawwwhhhwwnn! dam am i bored as bored or what.

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